3. The mind of a man should be made open and broad, but his talents carefully concealed.
English Translation
The heart of a worthy man should be as clear as the blue sky and the bright sunshine, so that everybody can lightly feel it. But on the contrary, his talents should be carefully concealed like jade and pearls, so that nobody can easily find them out.
四、近纷华而不染 知机巧而不用
4. Not be sullied by extravagance even if close to it nor resort to intrigues even if acquainted with them.
注 释
① 势利纷华:势利,权力和财势;纷华,繁华富丽。二者泛指一切具有诱惑力的物质。
English Translation
It is decent for one not to be close to power, influence and extravagance, the more so for him not to be sullied even if being close to them.
It is noble for one not to be acquainted with intrigues and plots, the more so for him not to resort to them even if having such acquaintances.
2. Better be honest and straightforward than scheming and calculating.
注 释
① 点染:熏染。此处指受社会不良风气的影响。
② 机械:巧诈,机巧。
③ 练达:阅历丰富而通晓人情世故。
④ 朴鲁:朴实鲁钝。此处指不谙人情世故。
⑤ 曲谨:指过于谨小慎微。
English Translation
A man who is less experienced in the world will equally be less stained with its undesirable trends. A man who has seen more of the world will equally be more trickery and crafty. It is therefore worthwhile for the man of moral integrity to remain honest and straightforward rather than become scheming and calculating, and remain large-minded and unrestrained rather than become overcautious and fainthearted.
5. It is helpful to hear words unpleasant to the ear and meditate on things unpleasant to the mind.
注 释
① 拂心之事:不顺心或不如意的事情。
② 砥石:磨刀石。此处指磨练品德的逆耳之言和拂心之事。
③ 鸩毒:鸩,传说中的一种毒鸟。用鸩的羽毛制成的酒叫鸩毒,即饮即亡。
English Translation
Constantly hearing words unpleasant to the ear and constantly meditating on things unpleasant to the mind are worth a whetstone, upon which we cultivate our moral characters and refine our temperaments. If we contemplate every word we hear being pleasant to the ear and everything we come into contact with pleasant to the mind, it would be no more than soaking ourselves in poisoned wine.
1. Rather stick to moral integrity than be attached to the powerful and influential.
注 释
① 依阿:依附讨好。
② 物外之物:物质之外的东西。此处指精神财富或精神价值。
③ 身后之身:人死后留在世上的名声。
English Translation
Those who stick to their moral integrity might be lonesome for a time. Whereas, those who cling to the powerful and influential will surely become desolate for good and all. To a well-cultivated person, the worthiest are the gains beyond material and the name after him. It is because of this that he had rather endure momentary loneliness than receive endless desolation.