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二、与其练达 不若朴鲁

发表时间: 2025-02-19

2. Better be honest and straightforward than scheming and calculating.
注 释
① 点染:熏染。此处指受社会不良风气的影响。
② 机械:巧诈,机巧。
③ 练达:阅历丰富而通晓人情世故。
④ 朴鲁:朴实鲁钝。此处指不谙人情世故。
⑤ 曲谨:指过于谨小慎微。
English Translation
A man who is less experienced in the world will equally be less stained with its undesirable trends. A man who has seen more of the world will equally be more trickery and crafty. It is therefore worthwhile for the man of moral integrity to remain honest and straightforward rather than become scheming and calculating, and remain large-minded and unrestrained rather than become overcautious and fainthearted.